Von: "International Centre for STEM Education" <icse@ph-freiburg.de>
Datum: 20.04.2023, 10:24
An: icse@ph-freiburg.de
International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE)
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NEWSLETTER Spring 2023
Spring is in full bloom and the weariness of the winter is being lifted by increasing sun-hours, temperatures and the flourishing trees and flowers. In accordance with the liveliness of the season, ICSE's projects and activities are also in full bloom at the moment.
In this newsletter you can read all about our exciting upcoming events like the 1h4Girls online workshop on gender in science education, our policy seminar at the Educating the Educators IV conference in May or about two summer schools for (future) teachers that will take place in 2023 in Portugal and the Netherlands.
Furthermore, we present to you updates concerning our ICSE structure, introducing our new managing director and new projects. As always, we also offer some helpful materials, like the new Quarterly Problem, 3D printing templates and a manual on how to organize open schooling projects.
Lastly, we encourage you to support those affected by the earthquake in Turkey as an act of solidarity with our ICSE family there.
Enjoy the read and we wish you a beautiful spring,
Your ICSE team
1. Announcements:
1h4Girls in STEM: Online Workshop on Gender in Science Education, April 28, 2023
1h4Girls in STEM: gender matters in science education
On April 28, 2023 at 12 p.m. Prof. Dr. Lucy Avraamidou will offer "a critical synthesis of studies on gender matters in science education from 2014 until 2022."
The online - talk is organized around 3 research areas:
• understanding gender gaps and gender stereotypes in science, • gender performativity and identity-based approaches to gender explorations, • intersectional approaches and queer theories in science.
Join the event to find out about the existing knowledge and the gaps in the knowledge base as well as ideas for future research directions in science education with a focus on gender.
In order to discuss what teachers need to integrate participatory projects such as Open Schooling activities into the classroom on a regular basis, the MOST project is organising a policy seminar on the topic:
"Opening up school education: Ways to support schools on their path to institutional change."
The policy seminar will take place on May 11, 2023 from 11:00 to 12:15 and is part of the 4th Educating the Educators conference in Leiden, Netherlands.
As part of our projects STEMkey and the ICSE Academy, we are offering two summer schools this year:
The STEMkey Summer Schoolwill take place on June 26 - July 1 in Lisbon, Portugal. Students will learn about integrated STEM approaches which not only transfer subject knowledge of various maths, science, technology and engineering topics, but also allows the development of skills and attitudes. A special feature is the focus on 21st-century skills: Critical-Thinking, Creativity and Problem-Solving.
The ICSE Academy summer school for pre-service and in-service STEM teachers takes place on August 21-25 in Utrecht. Participants will dive into the topics inquiry-based learning, interdisciplinarity, cultural diversity and inclusion, connections to sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the use and impact of technology on STEM education.
The 3C4Life project will organize a policy seminar for researchers, teachers and policy makers at the 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2023) symposium. The event will take place in Cappadocia, Turkey on August 28 - September 1 2023. The title of our seminar is "Challenges and opportunities of STEM education - Bridging Science, Practice and Policy in Europe". In this policy seminar, we will discuss career possibilities, collaborative practices and competence development prospects.
Coming in fall 2023: the icse academy workshop series
This fall we will offer a semester-long series of online workshop events. The focus of this workshop series is to bring participants up to date in research and teaching in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in connection with European priorities such as fostering sustainability, digital skills and intercultural learning. We aim at refreshing and deepening the knowledge of meaningful and relevant educational practices. Sessions will include inquiry- and problem-based learning and interdisciplinarity, cultural diversity and inclusion, curriculum development and assessment in Europe, and the use and impact of digital technology on STEM education.
The Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN Kiel) at Kiel University is a research center for science and mathematics education. The IPN Kiel was founded in 1966 as a reaction to the Sputnik shock of 1957 and focused on the development of educational research in the natural sciences.
The IPN Kiel has been working with the University of Education in Freiburg long before ICSE was founded in 2017. Projects such as PRIMAS, Mascil and MaSDiV have connected the IPN with the University of Education in Freiburg and established a connection that has proven to be beneficial for all stakeholders.
Dr. Diana Wernisch is a familiar face to the ICSE family. Before ICSE was founded in 2018, Diana worked in the successful project Mascil together with many of ICSE's consortium partners. Thus, Diana was the dream candidate for the position, when ICSE was looking for a new managing director in 2022.
Diana holds a Master’s degree in business administration and a PhD in educational sciences. Diana has specialized in higher education and research management with a focus on higher education in international contexts and brings more than 15 years of experience in this field to her current position.
Our new Open Schooling project "ICSE Science Factory" about sustainability, health and digitalisation has started!
In the upcoming three years ICSE will work together with schools, scientists, enterprises and non-formal education providers. Together we will offer a wide range of activities from workshops, projects and a career talks series to larger event for the public. You can also visit us at our new Science Lab and try out exciting experiments.
Career Development of a STEM Teacher: From Maths Teacher to R&D expert
Burcu Bilgiç Uçak was a mathematics teacher, who widened her teaching approaches through interdisciplinary STEM. In the past years she has developed her career even further and is currently working as a research and development (R&D) expert at Diyarbakır Provincial National Education Department. There, she introduces her colleagues to STEM education through studies, projects, working toward the advancement of STEM education.
The teach4life platform gives insights about career development opportunities for teachers. Let people like Burcu inspire you to keep growing your career.
The SEER project will develop a set of roadmaps for stakeholders of STEM education. The roadmaps will outline the different paths of supporting students in STE(A)M on all education levels and show the way to mainstreaming STE(A)M education in Europe. In order to do that, the project partners will collect and analyse existing initiatives, policies and practices by bringing them together with the needs of teachers, school decision-makers, industry and policy makers.
How to organize a school-community-project: The Most Manual
Open Schooling brings together private individuals, schools, companies, and associations to work on eye-level in order to find strategies to overcome current environmental and social problems.
This manual creates a framework for a school-community project (SCP) and helps with the question of which teacher, which classes and students are possible participants in such a project, and how to come up with an appealing, socially relevant topic that affects the region itself.
We also provide a video tutorial on how to conduct a SCP.
Quarterly Problem: The weather on your 100th Birthday
Your birthday is a very special day of the year. Hopefully the weather will be fine so you can do special things like throwing snowballs, having a garden-party in the sun, enjoying the colored leaves on a forest hike or flying a kite in the storm.
What do you think will happen to the weather on your birthday if the climate keeps changing?
In this task, your students can scientifically predict what the weather could look like on their 100th birthday.
Have you heard of the social media makers platform Thingiverse? We recently started to use it in order to present the results of our regional ICSE project MINT4life (which took place in and around Freiburg im Breisgau in Germany). As part of the project, we developed 3D printing models. Some of these models you can now find on Thingiverse, where you can download them to print them at home or with your students.
With sorrow and worry we took note of the devestating catastrophe that recently took place in one of our member countries, Turkey. The impact has been widespread and many communities have been severely affected - amongst them also family members of our beloved ICSE community.
In this difficult time, we encourage you to support the affected people through ongoing donations. Any donation, no matter how small, will help to provide much-needed aid to those affected by the earthquake.
Thank you for your act of solidarity with our Turkish community!
1. ICSE; 2. ICSE; 3. ICSE with a picture by LiveScience-picture photographer: Mike Bink; 4. Helena Lopes, Unsplash; 5. Pixabay; 6. ICSE; 7. Marvin Radke, Unsplash; 8. Diana Wernisch; 9. ICSE; 10. Burcu Bilgiç Uçak; 11. The SEER; 12. ICSE; 13. Kaffeebart on Unsplash ; 14. Peter Steuerer, ICSE; 15. Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash
INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR STEM EDUCATION (ICSE) University of Education Freiburg Kunzenweg 21 79117 Freiburg Phone (secretary’s office): (0049761) 682-349 E-Mail: icse@ph-freiburg.de WebSITE: https://www.icse.eu
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