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There are so many options of various types of vehicles on the market that it is often hard to know what to choose. Here is a task to help you analyse options and find the type of car that fits your needs and beliefs.

Imagine that your family decided to buy a new car. You need to decide whether to buy an electric car, a coventional car that burns fossil fuels or a hybrid car. Each car type works in a different way. It is important to know the strengths of each type of car so that you can choose the car that best suits your life style.

  • Will the car be used to cover short or long distances?
  • How often will it be used?
  • Are you looking for convenience?
  • What will be the cost of the car?
  • What will be the monthly running costs?
  • What will be the environmental impact of each type?

You are required to look into the matter and decide which car will be most suitable.


Picture Source: Engin Akyurt/Mikes-Photography on Pixabay


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Josette Farrugia