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ICSE Factoryreported

Students Explore Future Careers at Wood Innovation Centre

By May 2024June 4th, 2024No Comments

Kayi Secondary School Students’ site visit to an industry zone 

by Gokhan Kaya

In the European project ICSE Science Factory, three pillars of action focus on the themes of health, sustainability, and digitalization. The pilot phase for Lighthouse Activities, Open Schooling Projects, and Career Talks has nearly concluded in Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Portugal, and Turkey.


Career Talk

In an inspiring collaboration between the educational sector and industry, the ICSE Science Factory project hosted an interactive career talk at the Wood Innovation Centre, providing a unique learning experience for the 7th-grade students of Kayi Secondary School.

The event, held on May 21, 2024, saw young minds engage with professional engineers and designers, offering them a glimpse into the world of wood engineering and design innovation. The students had the opportunity to observe the day-to-day operations of the centre, ask questions, and learn about the various career paths available in this field.

Direct interactions with professionals enlights students on alternative career paths

The interaction with the professionals was enlightening,” said Eren, a 7th grader. He adds “I never knew there were so many things you could do with wood. It’s not just about making furniture; it’s about creating sustainable solutions for the future.”

The career talk is part of the ICSE Science Factory’s ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications. By exposing students to potential careers at an early age, the project aims to ignite a passion for science and innovation.



Highlighting the importance of sustainability in everyday life

We believe that students must connect with professionals and see the practical side of what they learn in school. This experience has undoubtedly broadened their horizons and sparked an interest in careers they might not have considered before. The Wood Innovation Centre, renowned for its cutting-edge designs and sustainable practices, was an ideal location for the career talk. The centre’s commitment to environmental stewardship and innovation resonated with the students, who left the event with a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainability in modern industries.

As the ICSE Science Factory continues to inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators, events like these prove to be a valuable tool in shaping the minds and futures of young students.

Shaping STEM education across Europe

The ICSE Science Factory project marks a pivotal first step in shaping STEM education across Europe, focusing on health, sustainability, and digitalization. Engaging students with practical initiatives like Lighthouse Activities, Open Schooling Projects, and Career Talks, aims to inspire action for a sustainable future and promote STEM careers, especially among women. As this innovative approach continues across Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Portugal, and Turkey, the project’s impact on education and global challenges looks promising. Together we pave the way to discovery and enable the next generation to innovate beyond the limits of today’s knowledge and find solutions for a future worth living.

Stay connected with ICSE for updates on our journey to enrich STEM education and follow our ICSE channels for more information!

The creation of these resources has been funded with the support of the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union under grant no. 101093387. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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