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Finally it is summer: The suitcases are almost packed, the summer holidays are just around the corner! Where are you going this year?

Summer is the main travel season for most people: Off to exotic locations, get on a plane quickly and spend the free days abroad. Flights are becoming cheaper and cheaper, airports are booming in the summer months and everyone wants to arrive at their destination as quickly as possible. But at what price? Especially since the “Fridays for future” movement, there has been a renewed awareness of how harmful this type of transport is for our environment.

But how polluting is a flight from Frankfurt to Lisbon, for example, really? Compare several ways of getting around on this route. Consider the environmental impact per capita, i.e. how many people can travel together by this means of transport.

This Worksheet is part of the Quartely Problem Series. For more quartely problems and other classroom materials, click here.

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Classroom Materials, Geography, Interdisciplinary teaching, Mathematics, QPsGE
Reallife Problems, Problem des Quartals - Green Edition
Guiding ideas /
Content-related competences
Number - Variable - Operation
Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary
Katharina Flößer - International Center for STEM Education (ICSE)