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Together we change the future of STEM Education

School Authorities

Our collaboration with school authorities is crucial to our goal of having a sustainable influence on STEM education. Together, we ensure that we plan, execute and further develop our activities in coherence with current school curricula and external conditions. The flow of information between research, practice and policy is also a part of this important cooperation.

We especially thank the following school authorities for our cooperation:

  • Regierungspräsidium Freiburg
  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of Baden-Württemberg
  • Ministry of Education, Austria
  • Ministry of Education and Science, Lithuania
  • Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus
  • Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Spain
  • Ministry of Education and Employment, Malta
  • Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, Norway
  • Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Turkey


ICSE is committed to contributing to a development of STEM education that kindles all students’ interest and prepares them for their life in a constantly changing and increasingly technologized world. Through our cooperation with key actors from industry, we grant students authentic insights into STEM subjects and their relation to real-life contexts. These insights are crucial to enhance achievement levels, to facilitate a foundational math and science education and to cultivate their interest in STEM professions.

Our industrial partners have the opportunity to demonstrate to students how the content of STEM education is applied in their enterprise. Through these visits, they can spark students’ interest in and enthusiasm for their work and brand. Thereby they have the chance to directly help to counteract the shortage of skilled labor and to promote themselves to future generations.

In the course of this cooperation we organize various events, such as visits to enterprises, joint conventions, exhibitions and professional development courses. The target groups of these events can be anyone from teachers and students to representatives from politics and industry.

We thank the following enterprises for our successful and trusted cooperation:

  • Sick AG Waldkirch, Germany
  • La Roche AG in Basel, Switzerland
  • SSS Siedle Furtwangen, Germany
  • Futurum Careers


A close collaboration with schools is fundamental to the work of ICSE. Through our many and varied activities, targeting teachers and students, ICSE is well and diversely connected to schools and seminars.

We especially thank the following schools for our close cooperation:

  • Walther Rathenau Gewerbeschule, Freiburg, Germany
  • Rotteck Gymnasium, Freiburg, Germany
  • Friedrich Gymnasium, Freiburg, Germany
  • Karlschule, Freiburg, Germany
  • Ljuben Karavelov School, Bulgaria
  • President Valdas Adamkus Gymnasium, Kaunas, Lithuania

Out-Of-School Learning Providers

We are convinced that great STEM education always comprises both, education that takes place inside and outside of school settings. Therefore, ICSE cooperates with a variety of out-of-school learning providers that create exciting opportunities for students to explore maths and natural sciences outside the class room.

We especially thank the following out-of-school learning providers for our successful cooperation:

  • Science & Technologie e.V.
  • Mathe im Leben gGmbH
  • Schülerforschungszentrum Region Freiburg e.V.
  • Freiburger Forschungsräume
  • wo wissen wächst e.V.
  • Jugendhilfswerk Freiburg e.V.

STEM PD Centres and Networks

Through the ICSE Consortium, the ICSE Network and the STEM PD Network, ICSE is exceptionally well linked internationally. Additionally, we want to extend our network and connect to further institutions worldwide and to networks that share similar goals and are committed to a future-oriented STEM education respectively. These institutions and networks have the opportunity to cooperate with ICSE as associated partners.

We especially thank the following STEM PD Centres and Networks for our successful cooperation:

  • Schulewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg
  • Seminar Reutlingen

Are you interested in cooperating with us?

