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GEMnet – the European network to support girls in STEM education

Become part of a dedicated community with the joint mission to support girls in STEM education and to create a world without gender gaps in STEM

GEMnet is our open-and-free-for-all network to support girls in STEM education to increase the number of girls in STEM studies and careers.

We engage in two main fields of action:

  • collecting and sharing your best-practice strategies to support girls in STEM & ICT
  • raising awareness about the need to support girls along their STEM pathways throughout life
girls robotics activity

You can find out more about ICSE’s female STEMpowerment project GEM here. The project runs out-of-school STEM activities for girls in 12 different countries.

Get in touch with us via email and meet your fellow GEMnet members. Let’s learn from and support each other to support girls in STEM education!

Female STEMpowerment excursion

What can we do for you?

  • We can provide you with latest research-backed and practice-proven out-of-school STEM activities for girls
  • We can support your actions to inspire, encourage, and support girls on their journey towards STEM and ICT studies and careers
  • Post our GEMnet Member Emblem on your media channels to let society know that you stand for equal opportunities for girls and female-identifying people in STEM