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ICSE Facilities


We welcome you to our ICSE premises!

All our facilities are located at the University of Education in Freiburg Littenweiler, just behind the Littenweiler train station.

You can find us in our offices at our main workplace, the former PH swimming pool in the gymnasium building and in Pavillion III (directly opposite).

Exciting activities happen in our live Escape Room (Pavilion II, room 004), in our 3D printing makerspace (basement of KG 4, room -120) and in our lasercutter makerspace (basement of KG II, room -105).

Our Facilities

Gymnasium, basement, -001 (entrance Höllentalstraße)
Escape Room
Pavilion II, Room 004
3D Printing Makerspace
KG IV, basement, room -120
Lasercutter Makerspace
KG 2, basement, room -105

University of Education Freiburg Site Map

Site map of the University of Education Freiburg Campus. In the middle, close to the train station is a parking space. If you turn right there KG 5,4 and 3 follow. In KG4 is the ICSE 3D makerspace. To the left from the parking lot,, you walk toward the gynasmium, where the main ICSE office is located and toward Pavillion II and III. In Pav. II there is the Escape Room and in Pav III another office. KG 2 is close to KG 4 on the other side of the main yard. There you can find our Lasercutter makerspace.


ICSE offices

  • The gym, and therefore also our office, is wheelchair accessible and can be reached by elevator from the courtyard (basement). However, there are several steps leading down to our meeting table.
  • The toilets in our office are not wheelchair accessible.
  • They are genderneutral bathrooms, however.
  • The office in Pavilion III is only accessible via steps.

3D printing Makerspace

  • The KG 4 of the PH Freiburg is contaminated with PCB (all information here). For this reason, pregnant persons and nursing individuals should not spend long periods of time in the building.
  • Our makerspace in the basement can be reached via an elevator and is wheelchair accessible.

Escape Room

  • The Escape Room in Pavilion II is unfortunately only accessible via several steps. There is no elevator.

Lasercutter Makerspace

  • The workshop in the basement of KG II is only accessible via steps. There is no elevator in the building.