Module 12 aims to introduce prospective teachers to various assessment procedures and help them develop skills that will allow them to respond to the needs of diverse pupils. Purpose, forms of assessment, and key issues of equity, fairness and social…
This module is situated at the intersection of out-of-school pedagogy, intercultural pedagogy, and science education. Preservice science teachers will acquire subject and culturally relevant pedagogical content knowledge and skills on education for sustainable development. They will develop competency in teaching…
Module 10 introduces the Education Program ‘Architects’, an innovative approach to modern, active, multidisciplinary education. Through individual activities, prospective teachers gradually become familiar with the program’s content, learning methods, and instructional forms. Additionally, the module covers principles of intercultural education…
This module focuses on the critical role of language in science education, providing trainee teachers with the knowledge and skills to support students effectively. Participants will develop an awareness of the relevance of language in science and understand the common…
Module 8 aims to raise trainee teachers’ awareness of the importance of subject-specific language in mathematics education. It equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to teach mathematics in a language-oriented or language-sensitive manner. Prospective teachers will explore different…
This module prepares prospective teachers to work with immigrant students of secondary school age and above, who have diverse backgrounds in mathematics. It addresses both students who may have gaps in their knowledge and those who exceed local or national…
IncluSMe Module 6 – Pedagogical approaches to mathematics and science teaching in diverse classrooms
The module aims to help prospective teachers develop competences for teaching in multicultural classrooms. In particular, it will support them to: identify issues related to teaching and learning in multilingual and multicultural contexts; interpret these incidents on the basis of…
In module 5, pre-service teachers are introduced to different perspectives on current ecological problems in the context of intercultural learning. A series of immersion and application tasks on the exemplary and interdisciplinary topic of ‘water’ forms the foundation of the…
This module encompasses a series of activities for pre-service primary or secondary teachers and aims to provide them with opportunities to experience and reflect on the potential of socio-scientific issues (SSI) as an appropriate pedagogical approach in culturally diverse classrooms….
Module 3 begins with an introduction to the theoretical foundations of reasoning and algorithms, emphasizing the significance of contexts and intercultural perspectives in mathematical reasoning. Participants then study specific examples, explore sources of culture-related contexts and enagage in problem solving…