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Anchan, or butterfly pea tea, is a blue, caffeine-free tea from South East Asia. But the  incredible color is not the only thing that makes this tea special. You will be surprised…

Make a tea from the flowers of the blue butterfly pea. Add honey and lemon juice. What can you observe?

Try to explain what happened. Carry out further experiments: Can you achieve the same effect with other ingredients? Do some research on the internet.

Then come up with your own recipes that showcase the properties of blue tea particularly well. For example, what happens if you make ice cubes from the blue tea and throw them into colorless lemonade? Or can you use it to make a funny looking dessert? Perhaps you would like to sell your creations at the next school festival.

Make a poster on which you present your favorite recipe with blue tea and information about the chemical background.


This Worksheet is part of the Quartely Problem Series. For more quartely problems and other classroom materials, click here.

Picture Source: Mx. Granger, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence granted
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Chemistry, Classroom Materials, QPsS
Inquiry-based learning, Reallife Problems, Interdisciplinary Topics, Problem des Quartals - Naturwissenschaften
Guiding ideas /
Content-related competences
Chemical reactions, Acid-base theory
Lower Secondary
Rahel Brugger/International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE)