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Our food supply is largely dependent on imports of agricultural products. The war in Ukraine, which is a major producer of wheat and oilseeds, and the resulting disruption of supply chains make us painfully aware of this. Now, some European countries are seeking greater autonomy in agricultural production and are taking effective action. For example, controversial pesticides are being approved for use again. These pesticides can contribute to yield security in the short term by reducing crop losses due to pests. However, if used improperly, they can accumulate in soils and groundwater and cause lasting damage to local life, with far-reaching consequences for the ecosystem.

How would you decide?

Is the short-term and targeted use of pesticides justified to secure our food supply? Or is extensive agriculture, which pollutes the soil and water less but requires a lot of land, preferable? Should areas that have been left fallow for biodiversity conservation reasons be recultivated? Who are the winners or losers in the case of using pesticides?


This Worksheet is part of the Quartely Problem Series. For more quartely problems and other classroom materials, click here.

Picture Source: by Hans on Pixabay
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence granted
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Biology, Chemistry, Classroom Materials, Geography, QPsS
Inquiry-based learning, Reallife Problems, Problem des Quartals - Naturwissenschaften
Guiding ideas /
Content-related competences
Natural substances, Organic Chemistry
Lower Secondary
Christina Pichler-Koban & Andrea Frantz-Pittner, Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt; International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE)