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Classroom MaterialsGeographyMathematicsQPsGE

What to do with used markers?

By February 2025No Comments

We often use markers in our daily life, especially at school. But there is one big problem – markers aren’t refillable. After markers run out of ink, they are usually thrown away without thinking twice. For most makers the reservoir, which holds ink inside of a marker, is made out of polyester, while the body of a marker is made out of plastic. Therefore, they aren’t biodegradable and it is not possible to recycle a marker as one piece.

Do your research and find what are some environment-friendly solutions where to put used markers.

The following questions may help you:

  1. How many markers does your school use monthly/yearly?
  2. What materials are commonly used to make markers?
  3. How can unsorted used markers pose risks or harm?
  4. Where should used markers be disposed of properly?
  5. Do the benefits of markers outweigh their negative impacts?
  6. What alternative options can replace markers?
  7. What’s the environmental impact of discarded markers on ecosystems and water sources?
  8. What health risks come with prolonged marker exposure in high-use environments?


This Worksheet is part of the Quartely Problem Series. For more quartely problems and other classroom materials, click here.

Picture sources: AI generated image, 2024 on Flowgpt
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence granted
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Classroom Materials, Geography, Mathematics, QPsGE
Inquiry-based learning, Reallife Problems, Interdisciplinary Topics, Problem des Quartals - Green Edition
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Lower Secondary
Egle Jasute, Vilnius University