This module focuses on the mathematical standard topic “functions”. The concept of functions is fundamental in mathematics and all other STEM subjects. In this module, we aim to help teach this topic using a key competence approach. We do this by showing how the concept appears in real-life situations and in other school subjects.
The module contains a poster, module outline, presentation and worksheets. Download the materials here.
About STEMkey
The project STEMkey (Teaching standard STEM topics with a key competence approach) was an EU funded project that ran from 2020-2023. By adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, STEMkey supports the development of key competences in STEM education.
To achieve this, the project has developed innovative teaching modules for use in Higher Education programmes and the training of future STEM teachers. These modules address various STEM disciplines.
The project was coordinated by Prof. Dr. Katja Maaß at the International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE), University of Education Freiburg, Germany.
Click here for other modules in this project.
The creation of these resources has been co-funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2O2O I-DEO1.KA2O3.OO5671. Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license is granted.
Image source: Own illustration (ICSE)
Content-related competences