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Perspectives for Lifelong STEM Teaching - Career Guidance, Collaborative Practice and Competence Development

3C4Life (2021-2024) stands for “Perspectives for Lifelong STEM Teaching – Career Guidance, Collaborative Practice and Competence Development”. Europe is facing teacher shortages. This EU-funded project aimed to raise the attractiveness of teacher profession.

Teachers need to update their teaching skills, competences, operate digitally, and act self-efficiently. However, top performance requires top conditions. 3C4life gathered 12 partners from 6 European countries, in each country an educational authority teaming up with a research partner.

This powerful tandem structure tackled a fallow issue, which impedes top conditions in STEM education across Europe: STEM education systems lack the capacity to support teachers to make the best of their life as teachers.

Our objective was to change that. Our measure was an all-digital STEM teacher platform with an innovative occupational advancement concept. Its key innovative features are

  • a sequential process of motivational triggers, from low threshold attraction to shared advancement.
  • a multi-directional variety of vertical and horizontal occupational advancement perspectives unfolded at a glance.
  • enhancement-propellent collaboration through Communities of Practice.

As part of the 3C4Life project, the online platform teach4life was developed to support STEM teachers in their professional development. The online platform teach4life provides impulses for didactic development through videos, information and ready-to-use tasks. In addition, you can find information on further training and career opportunities specifically for STEM teachers. Thus, the platform offers an innovative concept that supports STEM teachers to experience more fulfillment in their professional activities.

Platform teach4life

Some selected activities from the platform are compiled in a book. HERE you can download the book in a PDF format. If you would like to reach more activities, please visit

STEM teacher shortages across Europe

Europe is facing teacher shortages. As major reason, teachers do not perceive teaching as an attractive career option any more. This leads to increased teacher turnover. To raise the attractiveness of the profession, the following requirements have been identified:

  • Positive image of the teaching profession must be established, among teachers as well as among society,
  • The teaching profession must be perceived as a lifelong development process, including the use of innovative teaching approaches
  • Collaborative practice and professional learning communities must be promoted and anchored
  • Teachers must receive support from the beginning of and throughout their careers to allow for professional growth.

Filling the gaps

However, there are still major gaps, which we need to fill:

  • Career guidance for teachers across Europe is rare
  • Teachers do not see a need to develop teamwork competences
  • Collaborative approaches are hardly applied
  • Teachers have problems in adopting new teaching methods
  • Professional development offers do not meet their needs.

Project Aims

Teachers need to update their teaching skills, competences, operate digitally, and act self-efficiently. However, top performance requires top conditions. 3C4life gathers 12 partners from 6 European countries, in each country an educational authority teaming up with a research partner. This powerful tandem structure tackles a fallow issue, which impedes top conditions in STEM education across Europe: STEM education systems lack the capacity to support teachers to make the best of their life as teachers.

Our objective is to change that. Our measure is an all-digital STEM teacher platform with an innovative occupational advancement concept. Its key innovative features are

  • a sequential process of motivational triggers, from low threshold attraction to shared advancement.
  • a multi-directional variety of vertical and horizontal occupational advancement perspectives unfolded at a glance.
  • enhancement-propellent collaboration through Communities of Practice.

Find out more about our the team.

3C4Life gathered 12 partners from 6 European countries, in each country an educational authority was teaming up with a research partner.

3C4Life in our partner countries – what happens on site?



3C4Life Booklet

Perspectives for Lifelong STEM Teaching

Experimentation methodology and protocol


D3.1 Pre/post questionnaires for data collection

Experimentation methodology and protocol


D3.2 Interview schedule and framework for 3C4life case studies

Field Trials

D4.1: Standardized Announcement of the online platform

Evaluation Report

D5.1 Final evaluation report

Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation, and Sustainability


D6.1 Midterm Report on Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation, and Sustainability

Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation, and Sustainability


M6.1 European Dissemination and Communication Plan

Exploitation and Scaling-Up Report


Exploitation and Scaling-Up Report

M7.1 European Scaling-Up Strategy



D8.1 Monitoring grid

Translation of Exploitation and Scaling-Up Report Summary



D7.1 English, German, Lithuanian, Spanish, Turkish

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The creation of these resources has been co-funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 626 139-EPP.I-2020-2-DE-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY.  The project’s funding body, the European Commission, is not responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.


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