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Common problem solving strategies as links between mathematics and science

The goal of this project is to develop teaching materials and exercises that make possible the interdisciplinary combination of mathematics and the natural sciences in classrooms. Such materials demonstrate to pupils that these subjects do not stand side by side in isolation. Rather, the pupils learn applications in which they combine knowledge from various subject areas to help them solve problems. Because the exercises and materials are linked to reality, they show pupils how these subjects are relevant to their lives.

These materials will be developed in close cooperation with teachers and schools. The piloting phase of the materials will begin with a teacher training session. Afterwards, the teachers will have the chance to try out the materials. Feedback from the teachers will then be used to help optimize the new materials.

Project coordinator: Katja Maaß

Project consortium: Silke Mikelskis-Seifert, PH Freiburg, Fco. Javier Garcia Garcia, Ana Abril Galega, Universität Jaen, Michiel Doorman, Henk van der Kooij, Universität Utrecht, Janka Melusova, Sona Ceretkova, UKF Nitra, Geoff Wake, Graham Hardy, Andrew Howes, Universität Manchester, Nicholas Mousoulides, Toula Onoufriou, Universität Cypern
Projektmitarbeiter: Alexander Oettlin

This project was supported by the EU as part of its Lifelong Learning Programme.