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Mathematics and science for life

Project mascil aims to effect changes in the teaching culture of mathematics and natural sciences so that these subjects are taught in a more inquiry-based learning (IBL) way. The focus here particularly targets connecting schooling with the world of work. To this end mascil will:

  • Develop tasks that make IBL possible using particular vocational contexts and/or allow students to simulate activities found in various occupational fields.Offer innovative professional development
  • (PD) opportunities for teachers from both general educational and vocational schools to collaborate with each other – and/or with representatives from the business world.

One special mascil feature here is the combination of national and international work strands: PD and classroom materials will be conceived at the international level, however, their realisation – and when necessary – further development will occur at the national level under consideration of the particular conditions and situations in the various participating countries. In order to achieve project work that is as long-term and sustainable as possible, mascil is supported by national and international school and advisory boards. These boards are comprised of key players from education and business. Multifaceted dissemination strategies and a web-based professional development platform provide teachers with additional international exchange and with continuing professional education. The effectiveness of mascil activities are being evaluated throughout the entire project lifetime (Jan. 1 2013 – Dec. 31 2016). The evaluation process uses both summative and formative elements to not only assess overall project effectiveness, but also to allow for modifying existing strategies as needed.

Project Coordinator: Katja Maaß, University of Education Freiburg, DE

Project Team Freiburg:  Prof. Dr. Katja Maaß, Anna-Maria Aldorf, Dr. Patrick Bronner, Zofia Malachowska, Dr. Karen Reitz-Koncebovski, Elena Schäfer,  Diana Wernisch

Project Consortium:
Kathy Kikis-Papadakis, Foundation for research and technology Hellas, EL
Lucas Michiel Doorman, University Utrecht, NL
Geoffrey Wake, University of Nottingham, UK
Fco Javier Garcia Garcia, University of Jaen, ES
Gesine Kulcke, Stuttgart, DE
Nicholas Mousoulides, University of Nicosia, CY
Potari Despina, University of Athens, EL
Birgit Pepin, Hogskolen i Sor-Trondelag, NO
Katrin Engeln, University of Kiel, DE
Szilárd Aandrás, Babeş-Bolyai University – Cluj Napoca, RO
Martin Bilek, University of Hradec Králové, CZ
Pedro Maya, Divulgación Dinámica SL – Seville, ES
Ahmet Ilhan Sen, Hacettepe University, TR
Valentina Dagine, Vilnius University, LT
Suzanne Kapelari, University of Innsbruck, AT
Marcelo Parreura di Amaral, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, DE
Petar Kenderov, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG

The project received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (Science in Society).