Here we published math problems concerning covid during the coronavirus pandemic. The tasks enable students to understand and”grasp” the events surrounding the pandemic.
For some of the tasks, possible solutions are available.
Here we published math problems concerning covid during the coronavirus pandemic. The tasks enable students to understand and”grasp” the events surrounding the pandemic.
For some of the tasks, possible solutions are available.
The coronavirus had the world firmly in its grip. Here in Europe, there were month long lockdowns. Later on, more and more people got their vaccination. Many questions were pressing all of society. We used these questions to develop our mathematics tasks: “how long will this pandemic last? Will there be enough places for intensive care? Are there enough vaccinations for everyone? Is it the right moment to loosen the restrictions? When will enough people be vaccinated to stop the pandemic? How fast is Covid-19 still spreading? How much was the spread slowed down by school closures and social distancing measures?”