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Teaching mathematics and science in multicultural classrooms: Challenges for teacher educators

By June 2019No Comments

Project IncluSMe Multiplier Event in Greece

The multiplier event in Greece took place in Athens on 30 March 2019. It was attended by university teachers from various Greek Institutions, school advisors, members from the Greek Institute of Educational Policy, many primary and secondary mathematics teachers and science practicing and prospective teachers.

There were three lectures which presented the IncluSMe project and its various modules that were developed in the project, with a primary focus on Pedagogical Approaches to Mathematics and Science Teaching in Multicultural Classrooms and Accompanying Prospective Teachers in Making Intercultural Experiences. An overall analysis of prospective teachers’ outcomes, while working on the project materials, was also part of these lectures.

Other plenary lectures provided insights on educational policy activities of supporting refugee students in Greece, and members of other Greek universities presented issues and challenges they met, while educating prospective primary teachers for teaching in multicultural classrooms.

There was a fruitful discussion among presenters and the audience in the round table activity, which focused on a range of pedagogical approaches and issues that emerge while teaching mathematics and science in multicultural classrooms.

Finally, all participants had the chance to share their ideas, insights and expectations in the three workshop activities. The main outcome of this multiplier event was to develop an awareness for the challenges in educating mathematics and science teachers to teach in multicultural classrooms, and therefore the need to link teachers’ practices in multicultural classrooms, the educational policy strategies and teacher education programs. Participants valued the opportunities they received to share their experiences and ideas, and to get an understanding of the particularities of teaching mathematics and science in multicultural contexts.

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