Poster presentation at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference
A dissemination event of our ICSE Science Factory project, the 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2023), occurred in Cappadocia, Turkey, on August 28, 2023. The European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) is an international organization that focuses on research in the field of science education. It provides a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners in the field to collaborate and share their work, findings, and insights related to science education The poster presentation made by Çağlay Süslüay, one of our project partners in the Teachers First Foundation team, attracted a lot of attention.
During the presentation, we discussed the purpose of the ICSE Science Factory project, its tools, and what to do in the project process. Afterward, we addressed participants’ questions related to the project. Researchers, teachers, policymakers, and prospective teachers were among the auidance.