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ICSE Factoryreported

The Power of Learning through Discovery: A Fun and Inspiring Day!

By February 2025March 3rd, 2025No Comments

The Power of Learning through Discovery: A Fun and Inspiring Day!  

by Onur Aydin

Teachers First Foundation is happy to bring children together with art, science, and technology with the ‘Lighthouse Activities’ hosted by Maya Schools Oran Campus within the scope of the ICSE Science Factory Project!


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In this special event held on 25 February, students learned by experiencing different workshops, discovered what they were curious about, and developed their creativity.

  • They enjoyed producing in the fascinating world of art,
  • They learnt science and technology by exploring,
  • They had a learning experience in touch with nature,
  • They expressed themselves in many different areas, from culinary arts to mindfulness activities.

This event is organised within the scope of the ICSE Science Factory project, once again demonstrating the power of experience-based learning. We want to thank all our students, teachers, and trainers who were with us on this meaningful day when learning goes beyond the classrooms! We will continue to discover, produce, and inspire together.

Shaping STEM education across Europe

The ICSE Science Factory project marks a pivotal first step in shaping STEM education across Europe, focusing on health, sustainability, and digitalization. Engaging students with practical initiatives like Lighthouse Activities, Open Schooling Projects, and Career Talks, aims to inspire action for a sustainable future and promote STEM careers, especially among women. As this innovative approach continues across Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Portugal, and Turkey, the project’s impact on education and global challenges looks promising. Together we pave the way to discovery and enable the next generation to innovate beyond the limits of today’s knowledge and find solutions for a future worth living.

Stay connected with ICSE for updates on our journey to enrich STEM education and follow our ICSE channels for more information!

The creation of these resources has been funded with the support of the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union under grant no. 101093387. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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