room KG5 104
From PD to Classroom Instruction: The Journey of Innovative Curricular Materials
Magner, Jodelle, State University of New York - Buffalo State, Buffalo, NY, United States McMillen, Susan, State University of New York - Buffalo State, Buffalo, NY, United States
Working with a large urban district over 14 years of Mathematics Science Partnership [MSP] grants, over 500 teachers of mathematics, special education teachers, mathematics coaches and administrators have come together to create engaging mathematics within grade 3 through 12 classrooms. The participants within the grant have evolved from working with teachers of mathematics, to the inclusion of their special education teachers working within the classrooms and the mathematics coaches within a building and then to include the building administrators. This workshop will have participants engage with an innovative use of a mathematical model and illuminate the usefulness in many content areas of mathematics. Workshop participants will experience the use of the model in a variety of problem-solving contexts. Obstacles to teachers adopting these materials to use within their instruction and strategies used to overcome these challenges will be discussed.