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Because of Corona we all have to keep distance from each other. Countries use various measures. In the Netherlands, for example, a distance of 1,5 meters must be maintained, but in other countries such as France it is only 1 meter, while in Greece it is 2 meters. All countries allow people who live together in a house to be closer to each other. Now imagine that everyone has to keep 1,5 meters apart. Would that fit in your country?

Find a good estimate of the area of your country and the number of citizens. Use these numbers to calculate whether everybody can fit while keeping enough distance. Also include some constraints like the percentage of water or other areas in your country that cannot be used to locate people.

Write down clearly how you calculated your results, and if necessary make a sketch or drawing to show how you located people next to each other.

This Worksheet is part of the Quartely Problem Series. For more quartely problems and other classroom materials, click here.

Picture Source: congerdesign on Pixabay
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence granted

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Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Inquiry-based learning, Reallife Problems, Problem des Quartals
Guiding ideas /
Content-related competences
Number - Variable - Operation, Measuring, Space and form
Lower Secondary
Michiel Doorman/Utrecht University; Katharina Flößer/International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE)