This module focuses on integrating real-world contexts into science and math lessons. Participants learn to connect concepts with practical situations, help students apply knowledge in everyday life, understand the interaction of real-world contexts with scientific and moral reasoning, and discuss societal implications.
This module contains a session outline, PowerPoint and a set of classroom materials.
About MaSDiV
Supporting mathematics and science teachers in addressing diversity and promoting fundamental values (MaSDiV) was a EU funded project that ran from 2017-2020. It aimed to support maths and science teachers in accommodating cultural, socioeconomic and performance related diversity in their classrooms.
Three modules have been developed and include outlines, PowerPoints and classroom materials. The PD course supports the promotion of science and mathematics in multicultural and diverse classrooms and is based on the well known STEM approach of Inquiry-based Learning (IBL).
Click here for other modules in this project.
The creation of these resources has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU under grant no. 2016-2927/003-001. The EU/European Commision is neither responsible for the content nor liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources. Responsible for content: ICSE, Director: Prof. Dr. Katja Maass). Lead contributions by Utrecht University, Netherlands.
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license is granted.
Image source: Own illustration (ICSE)
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