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Go see the sea!

The Christmas holidays are just over and after a few days of everyday life we already long for the holidays again. Spring season can’t come fast enough – so how about a few relaxing days at the seaside then? For…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Mirror, mirror on the wall…

… I think you’re not working properly anymore! We all know this scenario: We don’t leave the house without a critical glance in the mirror. Scientists have long since known that how we perceive our outer appearance relies mainly on…

Classroom Materials, General Science, Mathematics, QPsS
Water on!

“Who helps carry groceries?” Who doesn’t know this question when parents come back from the supermarket? Then it’s time to carry bags, and even worse, carry water crates! If the bottles are even made of glass, you can hardly lift…

Classroom Materials, Geography, Interdisciplinary teaching, Mathematics, QPsGE
Off on holiday!

Finally it is summer: The suitcases are almost packed, the summer holidays are just around the corner! Where are you going this year? Summer is the main travel season for most people: Off to exotic locations, get on a plane…

Classroom Materials, Geography, Interdisciplinary teaching, Mathematics, QPsGE
Round up, please!

‘That is thirtynine dollars and ninetyseven cents, please!‘ Oh dear, why always such an odd amount of money? And what should I then do with the 3 cents left? A typical situation at the checkouts at German supermarkets: You get…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Love is all around!

New year, new luck! Why not start it by implementing some of those new years resolutions? How about a romantic profession of love to your sweetheart, for example? Is there anything more romantic than professions of eternal love to your…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
April Fools?

An egg in an egg? Only an april fools joke? No, they really exist! But only very seldomly. The probability of finding such an egg is 1: 100.000.000! An egg in an egg. This means that after opening an egg,…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
On Fire!

Lukewarm summer nights and the smell of barbecue parties are in the air. In summer, sitting outside in the garden with your family or friends – what could be better? Of course, when sitting together under the open sky, candles…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Leaf carpet

During autumn the leaves of trees change color from green to yellow, orange and sometimes even dark red. And next they fall down, announcing winter time. Would you like such a leaf carpet in your bedroom? Children enjoy the great…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
COMPASS Lesson Unit on Water Shortage

This task lets students study and learn about water and water shortages to answer the question “Can water shortages in Europe (and elsewhere) be prevented?”. Students will complete various activities in math and science, applying knowledge from both areas. The…

Classroom Materials, General Science, Interdisciplinary teaching, Mathematics
COMPASS Lesson Unit on Solar Car

This task lets students explore the importance of using solar energy in transportation using math, science, and technology, applying knowledge from all three areas. Building on existing understanding and working on interdisciplinary activities, students will design, build and operate a…

Classroom Materials, Engineering, General Science, Interdisciplinary teaching, Mathematics
COMPASS Lesson Unit on Car Pollution

In this activity, students will investigate how plants can help reduce CO2 pollution from cars. Starting with a car manufacturer’s advertisement, they will analyze the information on their website and create a report based on calculations and scientific facts. For…

Classroom Materials, General Science, Interdisciplinary teaching, Mathematics