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Conventional, hybrid or electric?

There are so many options of various types of vehicles on the market that it is often hard to know what to choose. Here is a task to help you analyse options and find the type of car that fits…

Classroom Materials, Engineering, Geography, Interdisciplinary teaching, Mathematics, QPsS
The weather on your 100th birthday

Your birthday is a very special day of the year. Hopefully the weather will be fine so you can do special things: throw snowballs, have a garden-party in the sun, enjoy the colored leaves on a forest hike or fly…

Classroom Materials, General Science, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, QPsM
CO₂ Budget

CO₂, climate crisis – everyone knows by now that we have a problem. To deal with it properly, we also need to understand the math behind it. The greenhouse gases that make our earth warmer stay in the atmosphere for…

Classroom Materials, General Science, Geography, Mathematics, QPsGE
The Sofa Problem

The question of which sofa you can just push through a hallway that turns at right angles is an unsolved mathematical problem. Fame and glory await the designer of the ideal sofa! Imagine you have a hallway that turns at…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Elevators and Escalators

In a film documentary about the Eiffel Tower, we learned the following information: The elevators in the Eiffel Tower travel as many kilometres in a year as if they circled the entire globe two and a half times. How could…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Don’t waste waste!

Waste production is a global problem. Worldwide, people are looking for solutions for this. Waste is produced in various locations. How much do waste do we produce at home? The Eurpoean Union tries to reduce our waste production. For instance,…

Classroom Materials, Geography, Mathematics, QPsGE
Population assessment via running?

A lot of runners often jog the same route. Not only can running have a positive impact on your health but can also influence one’s good mood. Therefore, Alice runs at least once a week: One lap circling around her…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
How deep is the coin?

Sometimes, things are not quite as they seem. And we even have a scientific experiment to prove it by “raising” a coin in a bowl of water – without touch. You will need: 1 euro coin, a bowl, a cup…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, Physics, QPsS
Quite expensive?!

In times of quarantine and curfew, toilet paper is considered to be an eminent commodity. But even before, going to the toilet – at least in Germany – had its price! Stopping on a highway, peeing only once, is costing…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
The honeycomb problem

That honeybees are skillfully building hexagonal honeycomb cells has been well known for centuries. Whoever is lucky enough to see these structures in real life can only be fascinated by the extremely precise construction art of these small insects. The…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Mathematics-History-Art and YOU

Summer holiday walks call for interesting adventures! As you walk through your city or the town you are visiting, pay close attention to important or interesting houses and read historical or current information boards. But especially look out for special…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM
Spring peas

Sunny spring offers the joy of blossoms and fresh greens. This is also an intensive period of decision-making for every gardener: what to grow, where to seed, or is there enough seeds? Tom and Ana decided to plant sweet peas…

Classroom Materials, Mathematics, QPsM