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ENSITE Multiplier Event in Utrecht

Utrecht, the Netherlands

Should wind power plants be set-up everywhere? Should we forbid the use of drinking water for cleaning and gardening? This type of socio-scientific issues is receiving increasing attention in teacher education for STEM subjects. The use of mathematics plays an...

2nd ENSITE Consortium Meeting in Prague

Prague, Czech Republic

The ENSITE consortium will meet for the second time in Prague. Focus of the meeting is to further develope and revise the modules for initial teacher education by giving feedback and advice.

2nd MOST Consortium Meeting online

The MOST consortium of 23 educational and environmental expert teams from ten European countries meet for the second time to exchange information on the current status of the project. The aim is to find out how to open schools and...

GEM Girls Club in Utrecht, Netherlands

Utrecht, the Netherlands

GEM Girlsclub WIN ('Wiskunde, Informatica, Natuurkunde' -> Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics)   Utrecht University has shifted from a regular summer school programme for Dutch girls to a yearlong programme of Girlsclub-days, due to the Corona Pandemic. The programme is set...


Nicosia Summer School for Girls

Empowering Girls to Understand their Role in STEM   The summer school for girls (age 12-14) from schools across Cyprus will take place June 22-25, 2021 in Nicosia. Girls will be empowered to understand the role of STEM, and especially...


GEM Summer School in Jaén

Universidad de Jaén Jaén, Spain

Empowering girls to unveil their digital, entrepreneurial and STEM potential   16 female scientists will mentor 60 girls from Jaén in their own research projects around exciting topics like artificial intelligence for a better world, using social media data for...


GEM Summer School in Jönköping, Sweden

Jönköping University , Sweden

Sommer School "Teknikkollo"   Girls aged 12-16 are invited to join the free four day long summer camp at UppTech in Jönköping. The summer school is taking place for multiple groups in three consecutive weeks starting in the middle of...


GEM Summer School in Athens

Athens , Greece

Athens Summer School 2021 This 3-day online summer school targeting girls 13-15 years old will take place online from 5-7 July 2021. The event aims at including the participants in STEM labs, where they are exposed to at least 2...
