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STEMkey Module 3 – Teaching knowledge, skills and attitudes in Mathematics: Measurement

Measurement is an important topic in mathematics education with many connections to other science disciplines and connections to alldaily life.

Words like weight, volume and liters are related, but also have different meanings or use, depending on the context and the language used in academic, school or daily life situations.

“Authentic contexts can be used to provide opportunities for students to learn (basic) measuring skills and to develop transversal skills like critical thinking” (Doorman, 2019; Wijers & Jonker, 2017).

Thus, Module 3 works with a variety of authentic contexts to pursue an innovative key competence approach to the standard topic measurement which supports knowledge on measurement, skills to measure and apply measuring issues in alldaily life, and a mindset which is able to critically reflect on scales.

The project team from the University of Utrecht finalized addresses measurement in Higher Education programmes for future STEM teachers with an interdisciplinary eye on qualitative and quantitative measures, involves the use of mobile phones and a critical reflection on their scales, and makes a step beyond a traditional central position of staircase models. The educational activities use approaches like inquiry-based and technology-enhanced learning and offer illustrative examples for all genders and learners from all backgrounds.

Download the STEMkey Measurement Poster.

Download the materials for module 3 here, available in English, German, Netherlands & Turkish. The materials include an outline, worksheets and a presentation.


Doorman, L. M. (2019). Contexts to Make Mathematics Accessible and Relevant for Students—Jan de Lange’s Contributions to Realistic Mathematics Education. In W. Blum, M. Artigue, M. A. Mariotti, R. Sträßer, & M. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Eds.), European Traditions in Didactics of Mathematics (pp. 73–78).
Wijers, M., & Jonker, V. (2017). Authentic contexts in mathematics textbooks in secondary pre-vocational education (VMBO). In B. Grevholm (Ed.), Mathematics textbooks, their content, use and influences. Research in Nordic and Baltic countries (pp. 245-268). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.