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Lighthouse Activities:
Illuminate, Educate, Innovate!

Exploring Real-World Issues through Workshops

Join us as we explore and address real-world issues through our engaging lighthouse activities (i.e., workshops). Designed for all age groups, these activities dive into global challenges, from seeing how climate change affects our local forests to understanding the latest in health and tech innovations.

  • Walk through local forests to see firsthand the effects of climate change, examining trees’ biological properties and the fascinating science of water transportation within them.
  • Learn about today’s important questions, like “How does a new vaccine work in our bodies?”, giving everyone a peek into cutting-edge science.
  • With both online and in-person options, everyone can join in, no matter what. And the best part? It’s absolutely free during the project duration!

Join us and become a lifelong learner!

Our lighthouse activities aim to make learning lifelong and fun for all. They’re not just events, but powerful moments that boost knowledge and togetherness. We’re working to make science a part of our daily lives, in our communities, and across Europe. Come and join us in this exciting journey!

Contact us now!

Bringing Science Closer to Everyone

With the help of our community partners, experts in hands-on learning, these activities make science fun and approachable. Their unique style encourages everyone, even those who might think science isn’t for them, to give it a try. It’s a fresh twist that adds to the more structured ways we usually learn from schools or businesses, reaching out to new groups of people.

Who’s It For?

Everyone, from families to senior citizens! And there’s more – we also inspire schools to take up similar projects. Imagine a school community coming together to learn about smart shopping, and later sharing tips with neighbors. Or getting creative with old clothes, turning them into art pieces or even school gear. There’s so much to discover!

The creation of these resources has been funded with the support of the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union under grant no. 101093387. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license is granted for all our materials. Please feel free to use and adapt them for non-commercial purposes. Make sure to give attribution to the original materials as well as for the adapted ones. Find explicit terms of use for CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 at:

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