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Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools to Communities


Here you can find some resources, if you are interested in applying Open Schooling. The videos offer information on how to organise a school-community project as well as on pedagogical approaches that all influence the Open Schooling approach, like inquiry based learning and socio scientific issues. The videos are in Turkish or German, but come with English subtitles. Below you can find more supporting information, guidelines and manuals as well as reports on project results. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Start your own School-Community-Project!

Manual for Schools to plan and perform school-community projects

Discover the 5-step process to start you own SCP

What could a School-Community Project look like? An Example

An eight grade cooperates with community members to reduce waste

Pedagogical Guidelines and Exemplary Science Materials

Learn about pedagogical concepts, collaborative working methods and exemplary best practices as a source of inspiration

Science material on plastic waste: The Ocean – The blue waste dump

A story map about the relationship between humans and the ocean and its current challenges.

More Useful MOST Resources

Guidelines of MOST Fairs and Setting up of Regional Partnerships

Advice on how to organize science fairs and build sustainable networks for open schooling in the region

Brief report about the MOST Fairs

Student empowerment and opening of schools to the community through MOST fairs

European report on the solutions found in the School-Community Projects

Read about amazing results of various school-community projects across Europe

Evaluation concept

The research design and evaluation instruments for assessing the impact of the project

Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

The plan lays out the strategies to maximize the impact and visibility of the project

Brief report about the European MOST conference

Find out more about the program of the European MOST at the Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in Leiden (NL) in May 2023.

Evaluation report on the impact of the MOST project

Read more on the MOST projects impact and what makes School Community projects so successful.

Resources from other Open Schooling Projects

Results from the member projects of the OStogether network

How to Implement School-Community-Projects


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Supporting Videos: Our Teaching Concepts Explained

Inquiry Based Learning


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Authentic Contexts


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Socio Scientific Issues


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Do you want to start your own SCP?

Contact your national MOST Advisor!


If you did not find an advisor for your country, please feel free to contact the MOST Project Office. We look forward to hearing from you!


Sabine Mickler

ICSE at University of Education Freiburg

MOST Coordinator / Project Office

The creation of these resources has been funded with the support of the Horizon2020 programme of the European Union under grant no. 871155. The European Union/European Commission is neither responsible for the content nor liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.

CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license is granted for all our materials. Please feel free to use and adapt them for non-commercial purposes. Make sure to give attribution to the original materials as well as for the adapted ones. Find explicit terms of use for CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 at:

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