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MOST Best Practice

Turkey: Paper Napkin Project

By September 2023No Comments

Energy and financial savings through the usage of a dryer

The aim of the SCP

It was aimed to calculate how much energy and financial savings could be achieved by using a dryer instead of paper napkins at school and to create awareness of energy saving.

Community Dimension of the SCP

  • Preventing the increasing cost of paper napkins at school,
  • Reduction of wood consumption
  • Reduction of carbon emissions
  • Establishing a relationship between efficient use of energy and ecological balance
  • Creating awareness of saving by observation and research

The prominent features of the project

  • Establishing cooperation between the school and the company during the project process.
  • The company donated four drying devices to the school.
  • The school’s budget allocated for equipment purchase was used to meet the school needs of girls.
  • The meeting with the company officials shaped the research process.


In the project, 10 students and five stakeholders participated voluntarily. The school’s science teacher, math teacher, vice principal, and electricity company officials were the stakeholders.


Two online meetings were held during the co-creation stage. In the first meeting, the following items were discussed.

  • Napkin expenses of the school,
  • Materials used in napkin making,
  • Damages to nature caused by the use of napkins,
  • Electricity consumption cost of electric hand dryers,
  • Comparison of napkin sustainability and electrical energy,
  • Carbon emissions,
  • How the paper napkin and hand dryers can be compared in terms of energy consumption?

In the second meeting, energy efficiency and the advantages of these dryers in terms of energy consumption were discussed with the official of the donor organisation.

Act stage

Observations were made, and data were collected on the use of paper napkins in the toilets as girls and boys groups. The average number of napkins used was found, and the average annual cost was calculated by researching the price.

Kross Electric Company, which sells hand dryers, was contacted and informed about the project. The company donated hand dryers to the school.

The average drying time was calculated by observing, and the average annual electricity cost was calculated.

The average annual cost of paper napkins for the school is 44300 Turkish liras (2200 Euros)

The annual energy consumption of the devices is 136,5kW

Average annual energy consumption cost of the devices (446 Turkish liras) (22 Euros)


The results obtained were presented the MOST Fair held on November 26-27, 2022 and on the school notice board.


With the transition from using paper napkins to drying devices at school, 0.6 tonnes of paper will be avoided. In this way, approximately ten trees will be saved, 45000 lt of clean water will not be polluted, 1.8 tonnes of CO2 will not be emitted, and 16.2 m3 of waste space will not be used.

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