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MOST Best Practice

Turkey: Energy Savings in Underground Naturally Cooled Warehouses

By September 2023No Comments

Underground warehouses carved into the tuff rocks in Cappadocia

The aim of the SCP

In the project, it is aimed to compare the current status and characteristics of naturally cooled underground warehouses in Cappadocia province and the energy costs of natural storages with thermally cooled storages.

Community Dimension of the Project

  • Impact of naturally cooled underground warehouses on the environment,
  • Environmental impact of naturally cooled underground warehouses,
  • Cooling costs of thermally cooled warehouses,
  • Environmental impact of thermally cooled warehouses,
  • Contribution of naturally cooled underground warehouses to regional employment.


In the project, 11 students and nine stakeholders participated voluntarily. Science teachers, owner of naturally cooled underground warehouse, owner of thermally cooled warehouse, the school principal and academicians were the stakeholders.


In the online meeting attended by the stakeholders, information on warehousing activities in the region was discussed. In addition, it was planned to carry out research on the products stored in naturally cooled underground warehouses, cooling energy costs of naturally cooled underground warehouses, the conditions required for long-term storage of stored products, energy costs in aboveground warehouses to create storage conditions for products.

Act stage

Data were collected from warehousing stakeholders and managers of warehouses in the region.

The general characteristics of the warehouses, cooling systems, their susceptibility to daily and seasonal temperature changes, humidity levels, annual electricity consumption of natural underground and thermally cooled aboveground warehouses were determined.

Data were collected on the products stored in the warehouses and the storage periods of the products.


The result that the energy costs of natural warehouses in the region are very low compared to thermally cooled warehouses was shared on the boards in school and on various social networks.

The results were also presented the MOST Fair held on November 26-27, 2022.


The underground warehouses carved into the tuff rocks in Cappadocia province create a warm environment in winter and a cool environment in summer.

In these warehouses, only the cold air of the warehouse is utilised without using any equipment to cool the environment. In addition, there is no loss in the products other than the damages caused during collection and transport, and due to its properties, such as constant temperature and humidity balance, the natural structure of the stored products is preserved without deterioration.

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