room KA 101 (internal meeting by invitation only) Initiating and Sustaining Cooperation for Innovation in STEM Education Strategies and Communication for Cooperation between different stakeholders
Paper Presentation 1 room KA 209 How do the 5E-model and the Nysgjerrigper method support or not support the implementation of inquiry-based learning at lower primary? Febri, Maria I.M., Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),…
room KA 101 A brief talk by Andrea Brunello Curiosity and Wonder: Essential Ingredients in teaching STEM Brunello, Andrea, Jet Propulsion Theatre – Arditodesio Company, Trento, Italy | Physics Department University of Trento, Trento, Italy Playwrights, novelists and storytellers know…
Workshop room KA 102 The language of graphs and tables. Language-oriented mathematics teaching in professionally oriented contexts Wijers, Monica, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands Jonker, Vincent, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands The aim of the Lamavoc project (a EU funded project) is developing…
Workshop room KA 106 SIA – student – engineer – academy Walter, Markus, SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Baden-Württemberg, Emmendingen, Germany The workshop will deal with the special and in many areas different forms of learning in an academy in the context of everyday…
Reception & Gala Dinner Waldsee Waldsee Catering GmbH Waldseestraße 84 79117 Freiburg
Paper Presentation room KA 106 Math for All: Scaling-Up and Evaluating A Teacher Professional Development Program for Personalizing Mathematics Instruction In Grades K–5 Moeller, Babette, Education Development Center, New York, United States Cohen, Marvin, Bank Street College of Education, New…
Paper Presentation room KA 211 Optimizing STEM teaching by offering demand-driven advanced teacher training Duske, Petra, University of Education, Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany Weitzel, Holger, University of Education, Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany Heinrich-Dönges, Anja, University of Education, Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany Reinhoffer, Bernd,…