Classes in all cohorts may book a Wasteyard safari. The classes are bussed out to a sorting yard where the children can discover the sorting yard's "Big Five". The idea of these sorting yard safaris is for the children to...
The principal, teacher and caretaker at Rosenlundsskolan in Jönköping noticed that the littering of the schoolyards had increased, especially during the weekends. With this fact as a basis, a project started. In May 2021, the students in year 4 at...
In this SCP, students tried to determine the amounts of waste oil produced at homes and calculated the average amount of waste oil a person caused per year. Students collected data during five days and analysed this data. Students calculated...
Students investigated the process of generating electrical energy with solar energy systems at schools and homes. They focused on calculating the cost of generating solar energy systems in schools and homes. During this process, they reflected on the importance of...
Students aimed to determine community members' awareness about alternative energy sources and provide them information about alternative energy sources including research and innovation in this field. Within these SCPs, students investigated community members’ ideas about alternative energy sources. In Van...
Year 5 students at Birralee International School in Trondheim have developed a project with the aim of reducing the amount of discarded chewing gum on our streets, both here in Trondheim and (hopefully) throughout the rest of the world. The...
The Waste Reduction Race is an initiative created by the students in Trondheim International School (THIS) as part of the MOST project. This game-like campaign aimed to see how to minimise waste and reduce unnecessary consumption in a playful and...
Trondheim Renholdsverk (TRV) provides waste collection, disposal and recycling services for all private households in Trondheim municipality. In Trondheim there are five main sections of waste; general waste, paper & cardboard, plastic packaging, hazardous waste and glass/metal. The goal of...
Running projects, inviting experts and creating your own content: Doesn't sound like school? But it is, at least during the MOST project week in November 2021 at an integrated school in Freiburg, Germany. The participating 9th grade students were able...