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ICSE Consortium

ICSE is the first international centre located at a university that focuses on the connection of research, policy and practice in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education. International collaboration is the key to continuous improvements in European STEM education.

Together with its longstanding international partners, ICSE has therefore initiated the foundation of an International Consortium for STEM Education. Founded in 2017, the ICSE Consortium comprises leading higher education and research institutes from across Europe. Our partners all share a unique focus in their research in STEM education: the transfer of research insights into day-to-day teaching.

As an association of higher education institutions and research institutes the consortium unites vast expertise and experience from partners renowned for their research-based work. Together we endeavour to enhance the field of transfer-oriented research and development in relation to STEM education, and to set standards for a high-impact international collaboration of higher education and research institutes.

The consortium was founded in order to further our cooperation and strengthen our network through various measures, such as joint research projects, newsletters, the international exchange of staff and students or joint advising of master or doctoral dissertations.

Coinciding with the inauguration celebration of the International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE) on 18th January 2018, the International Consortium for STEM Education celebrated the fact that the contractual basis of the International Consortium for STEM education became effective by signature.

The ICSE Consortium secretariat is located at the International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE), University of Education in Freiburg, Germany.

Representatives from all 14 founding member institution, during the ICSE inauguration on January 18, 2018.

ICSE Consortium’s Mission:

Under the umbrella of the ICSE CONSORTIUM 18 higher education institutions joined their forces to become an outstanding and dedicated transnational STEM education network, which is able to provide it all when it comes to STEM education in Europe: information, materials, professional development, consultancy and support to teach STEM at its best, no matter in which country the teaching takes place.

This picture from our #TogetherforScience campaign in the summer 2020 features the following nine ICSE partners from their respective countries (top left to bottom right): Katja Maaß (Germany), Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg (Norway), Michiel Doorman (Netherlands), Martin Bilek (Czech Republic), Josette Farrugia (Malta), Maria Evagorou (Cyprus), Stefan Zehetmeier (Austria), Marta Romero Ariza (Spain), Sona Ceretkova (Slovakia).

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