Aula moderated by Elena Köck/Katja Maaß, ICSE, University of Education Freiburg Prof. Dr. Ulrich Druwe, Vice-Chancellor, University of Education Freiburg Katja Maaß, Director of ICSE, University of Education Freiburg Michiel Doorman, Associate Professor, University Utrecht, Netherlands
Aula Kara Jackson University of Washington, USA Specifying and centering equity-specific learning demands in the improvement of mathematics teaching at scale Biography Kara Jackson is an associate professor of mathematics education at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Her research…
Workshop room KA 101 Increasing the engagement of STEM Educators through theatre methods Brunello, Andrea, Jet Propulsion Theatre – Arditodesio Company, Trento, Italy | Physics Department University of Trento, Trento, Italy Echard, Pierre, Jet Propulsion Theatre – Arditodesio Company, Trento,…
Workshop room KA 102 Mathematics B-day: Promoting students’ and teachers’ inquiry and creativity Bos, Rogier, Freudenthal Institute, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Mol, Amy, Freudenthal Institute, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands This workshop introduces the Mathematics B-day: a international one-day event for…
Workshop room KA 106 Classroom and PD materials for dealing with diversity in STEM classrooms Boerée, Claire, Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands Mol, Amy, Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands Jonker, Vincent, Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands Wijers,…
Workshop room KA 209 A European reference framework for STEM Education Griebel, Stephan, Business Development and Alliances Europe, Texas Instruments A common European framework of reference is well established for languages. For STEM education nothing comparable is available. Wouldn’t it…

Ensuring sustainability of open access high quality materials for STEM teacher Professional Development

Project STEM PD Net International Multiplier Event in Istanbul