The Horizon 2020 project MOST intends to open up school education by initiating school-community projects (SCPs) across Europe. Within a school-community-project, schools and community members (families, science education providers, citizens, businesses etc.) work together to find regionally implementable and scientific approaches to sustainable issues. The focus is on waste management (2021) and energy saving (2022).
To implement this project, our dedicated consortium of 23 educational and environmental expert teams from 10 European countries have come together, including higher education institutions, schools, ministries, municipalities, enterprises, non-formal education providers.
All participants and supporters of the MOST project form the European Open Schooling Network (EOSnet), which will be enlarged step-by-step all over Europe into a vibrant Open Schooling community network.
Find out more about MOST, the School-Community-Projects and the EOSnet on the following sites!